DJ Genetixx, a local favorite from Sacramento, California, has been paving her way in the music scene since the age of 12. Following in her parents' footsteps, Genetixx discovered her passion for DJing early on and hasn't looked back since.

With a talent for setting the perfect vibe, DJ Genetixx can be found spinning tracks weekly at the hottest bars and lounges across Sacramento. Her unique style and ability to read a crowd have earned her a loyal following, making her a must-see act for anyone craving a musical journey type of experience.

Known for her versatility and ability to create and manipulate the energy of her audience, DJ Genetixx stands out in the Sacramento area’s diverse music scene.

Luckily for us, she agreed to bless us with the opportunity to gain some insight about her background, style, and creative processes. 

Can you tell us about your musical background and how you got started in the industry?

Music has always had a significant influence on my life. Growing up, my dad was a music producer, so me and my brothers were always spending time with him in the studio or going to his shows. It wasn't until around 2010 that my parents started their DJ business. It was so cool to see them building something from the ground up. In 2012, my parents asked me if I wanted to learn how to DJ and make some money while doing it. Of course, my answer was yes. Since I was only 13 when I started playing in public, most of my gigs consisted of family fun spaces like a bowling alley, trampoline park, birthday parties, and school dances. Fast forward to 2021, we're still in the middle of the pandemic, but things are slowly opening back up again, I was able to get my very first gig in Downtown Sacramento. Now, I'm consistently booking at local bars and social clubs in Sacramento as well as private events with businesses and nonprofits within my community. 

 How do you handle criticism or negative feedback about your work?

As an artist, sometimes it can be hard to separate your work from yourself and not take things too personally. It is quite rare that I receive negative feedback for my work, but when I do I do my best to apply myself to do better while still aligning with whatever the venue or whoever hired me wants me to do. 

Can you discuss any significant influences or role models in your musical journey?

My parents have influenced me a lot throughout my musical journey. They didn't just get me started, but they've always motivated me to do my best and stay true to myself. My mom has always led a good example to go after the things that I'm passionate about and to build a future that I'm proud of.

 How do you handle performance nerves or stage fright?

Even after all the time that I've been performing in public, I still get a little nervous or anxious before my sets. I still don't have a foolproof solution or ritual to combating stage fright besides just following through with the event. The best things I do for myself are prepare ahead of time and also give myself the first 20 minutes to warm up and get comfortable. My nerves have usually disappeared by the end of that 20 minutes. The key is just to be patient with yourself.

Can you share any interesting stories from your time performing live?

 I remember the very first time that I performed with my whole family in 2022. Our group is called the Kontrol Freex which consists of me, my mom (DJ Stacelace), my dad (KB The Arkitekt), and little brother (K Breezy). It was a beautiful day on the Darling Aviary rooftop in Downtown Sacramento.  My parents and I did our own DJ sets while my brother performed a few of the songs that he'd written and produced in between the sets. This set was so significant to me because it's so important to do things and come up with my family. After all, they've supported me all this way. I will never forget how awesome the energy on that rooftop was and I'm looking forward to many more performances of that kind.

Aura Day Party Photo by @actualart

Photo by Sier Bafadez

 How do you stay motivated?

Often, it can be hard to stay motivated, especially in times when there aren't as many events going on or I'm not attracting the largest crowds. The best way I stay motivated is by reminding myself that DJing is what I'm most passionate about and that I've already put nearly half of my life into pursuing it. I have to remind myself that the people around me support me for a reason.

 How would you describe your unique musical style or genre?

I describe my musical style as eclectic, funky, and energetic. I love mixing a variety of genres at all of my events. In my opinion, having flexibility has been integral to my success both as a nightlife and a special event DJ.

Can you discuss any specific ways you've grown or evolved as an artist over the years?

Over the years, especially during my time playing in nightlife, I've gained a lot of confidence in my DJ skills and my flexibility within the industry. It took some time to realize, but knowing your value is so important when you're working for yourself with businesses and in the public. I've learned that how you present yourself can directly affect how you get treated no matter who you are. Building confidence and knowing my worth is helping me navigate the industry to become an artist that people want to work with, rather than an artist that wants to be hired.

What would you say is the most rewarding part of being a DJ?

For me, the most rewarding part of being a DJ is connecting to people through music and building a fan base within my community. I love being reminded why I fell in love with DJing so early on.

DJ Genetixx , Flamingo House, Sacramento

How do you approach setting the vibe for your set and keeping the audience engaged?

When I’m starting a set, I like to put out feelers by trying multiple genres to assess what I’m going to play for the rest of the night. I enjoy mixing almost everything from Hip-hop to House, so I try to play something for everyone in the crowd if I can.

 Can you discuss any specific goals or milestones you hope to achieve in your music career?

 The main goal that I want to achieve in my career is to travel and DJ all over the world. Jumping from place to place and sharing my skills with all walks of life just sounds like a dream to me. I also want to start producing my own music and releasing that. There is so much beauty and pride in sharing something that came directly from my brain. I believe it's the next step in growing a brand for myself.

 Can you share any upcoming projects or releases that fans can look forward to?

One project that I've been working on since last year is my event called The Aura Day Party. I was inspired to create a party that I would want to go to myself with local talent that fits my vision. I'm hoping to host a 3rd party soon in April 2024, so look out for The Aura Day Party. I'm excited to collaborate with local artists and DJs to make a truly authentic experience in Sacramento and eventually more places.

As she continues to make waves through the scene, DJ Genetixx shows no signs of slowing down. You can follow DJ Genetixx and check out some of her mixes at these links:




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