Up and coming DJ/ Producer Jacob Grosse is quickly making a name for himself in the EDM scene within the past few months.  Hailing from the San Joaquin Valley in California, Jacob has been producing and DJ’ing since 2020.

Specializing in techno music, his newest track, called Groove (released in October), is an official remix with the eclectic EDM queen, Mija herself and is already starting to gain listeners. 

We were lucky enough to speak with Jacob about his creative process and the trials and tribulations of standing out as a DJ and Producer in the current boom of new artists in the scene.

 Can you tell us about your musical background and how you got started in the industry?

My musical background involves producing electronic music. I've been self teaching music theory and how to use Ableton, a DAW, since early 2020. My entry into the electronic music scene began with small house parties and late-night raves, where I discovered my passion for it. From the first event I attended, I knew this was my life's calling.. The music, the community, everything felt like home. Interestingly, I'm the first in my family to pursue a career in music.

What inspires you to create music and what influences your tracks/DJ style?

 I find inspiration in various ways, whether it's creating music, listening to music during work, or encountering melodies while dining or having coffee. Even simple things like a unique ringtone or a song on the radio catch my ear. Inspiration is abundant, and I never run short of it, it's everywhere if you search hard enough. Recently, my DJ style gravitates towards old school rave records and hardgroove techno. I try to keep my sets fast and pulsating, typically ranging from 138 to 145 bpm. 

 How would you describe your unique musical style or genre? 

I believe what defines my style and the style I'm crafting is its authenticity. I aim for people to recognize my music and instantly think, "That's a Jacob Grosse song/production." While I strive for uniqueness, I also appreciate the importance of sticking to the traditional 4-on-the-floor techno rave essence, and avoiding the need to reinvent the wheel.

Can you share any memorable experiences or challenges you've faced as a music artist?

The challenges I encounter as a producer/DJ are a daily occurrence, and I've come to accept that reality. Each morning, I wake up feeling a sense of urgency, realizing I'm not as close to my artistic goals as I'd like to be. Balancing a part-time job delivering for Amazon 4-5 days a week adds to the challenge, leaving me in a constant struggle to manage ideas and inspiration. I grapple with daily anxiety, acknowledging the gap between my current status and where I aspire to be. Despite all of this I remind myself to take it one step at a time and practice patience in nurturing my art and craft. 

 How do you approach the track writing process? Do you have any specific techniques?

In my process for writing original music, remixes, or edits, I consistently apply a similar technique. I usually start with a broad idea and always keep in mind that my end goal is to have the music played in a club setting. I incorporate  techniques like utilizing quality samples, experimenting with grooves, and playing with melodies. I curate a collection from which I select elements, and even if not all are used, it serves as a great reference when initiating a new song, or exploring new ideas.

 What do you hope listeners take away when they hear your music?

I hope listeners can simply have fun with my music and discover an escape from life's stresses. The goal is to provide ear catching rhythms and delectable grooves, creating an atmosphere where everyone can let loose and enjoy the experience, whether it's in a car or a club.

 How do you handle criticism or negative feedback about your work?

I used to struggle with taking criticism and negative feedback, but over time, I've learned to filter and only focus on constructive input. Embracing both positive and negative feedback is crucial for artistic growth. I've adopted the valuable lesson from my parents to develop thick skin and to listen to those offering assistance rather than the ones tearing me down.

Can you discuss any collaborations or projects you've worked on with other artists?

I recently released a remix in collaboration with my mentor, Mija, for her track "Groove." I transformed her song into a techno banger for the clubs. While I don't have any immediate collaboration releases on the horizon, I am open to the idea and anticipate potential collaborations in early 2024.

Jacob Grosse and Mija, Flamingo House, Sacramento 2023

 Can you share any upcoming projects or releases that fans can look forward to?

 Sure! Listeners can look forward to a potential self release debut EP as early as February/March. I'm currently working on and finalizing some super groovy, heavy hardgroove records that I can't wait to share with everyone.

How do you engage with your fans and build a strong connection with them?

 As a new musical artist, I may not have a vast fanbase yet, but I'm fortunate to have a strong support network. Maintaining a connection involves engaging with their content, showing genuine interest, and sharing the same passion for their work as they do for mine. Additionally, I recognize the significance of creating unique content on social media and to have new engaging fans and keeping them hooked on my work, that’s something I’m working on myself as a creator. 

 Can you discuss any significant influences or role models in your musical journey?

 My biggest influence and role model has always been Sonny Moore, aka Skrillex. I owe a significant part of my musical journey to him, and I've always admired and continue to be inspired by his work. it's safe to say that without Skrillex, I wouldn't be where I am today.

 How do you stay motivated?

Motivation has never been an issue for me. What fuels me forward is the realization that there's an a lot of things I want to accomplish, and I always believe there's room to raise the bar. At the beginning of 2023, my aim was to release one song and start DJing. Surpassing those goals I set for myself kept me focused and dialed in to keep on improving my craft. Setting realistic goals and consistently working towards them on a daily basis is what fuels my motivation.

How do you handle performance nerves or stage fright?

 Overcoming stage fright was a challenge for me when I was younger, but engaging in sports and public speaking during high school helped me fight that fear early on. When performing in front of large crowds, I always channel in that excitement, reminding myself that people are there to have a good time. The key is to enjoy the moment, give them what they want, and remember that no one is going to notice if you fuck up.. Hopefully 

 How do you ensure your music stands out in a crowded industry?

I think this is a great question, even for someone like me who is still starting out.

I think my main goal is to not stand out, but to make music for me and trusting myself and my taste. I think that will translate well to listeners.

Make you, you. You are the artist. Now create. 

 Can you share any future aspirations or dreams you have for your music career?

There are numerous dreams and goals on my list, I could go on and on, but in the near future I aim to release my own EP, delve into more remix projects for fellow artists, and collaborate with like minded creatives. Perhaps something crazy like performing at a festival or DJing at a dope venue could be in the cards.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your upcoming projects or to the BassMilk readers?

As we wrap up  this incredible interview, I'm thrilled to share some exciting updates. In early 2024, I'll be releasing a self-produced EP, and for those eager to stay in the loop, watch for announcements on my social media platforms. Get ready for more live sets in 2024 expect some fast electric groovy shows very soon  (TBA)! Your unwavering support is truly invaluable, and I'm eager to unfold these upcoming experiences with you. Stay tuned for details, and a heartfelt thank you for anyone supporting me and being part of my journey in 2023, my debut year as an artist and DJ. Reflecting on this transformative year, I've grown not only as an artist but as a person. Anticipating further growth, here's to an amazing 2024!

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